Regardless of which card issuer you choose, business credit cards require a credit check. While it’s not difficult to pass a check and get a new credit card with average credit, it’s still important to compare your options to find the best rate and terms for your new card. These are our top picks for your growing business:
The American Express Business Gold card is one of the best Amex business cards because of the generous introductory offer and rewards. Business owners have the ability to earn points based on specific rewards spending categories like airlines, advertising, computer equipment, gas stations, and dining. It’s even a great credit card for shipping with extra benefits. The Amex Business Gold card also gives you access to many Amex small business perks, like 2x the Membership Rewards points when you book through and a 25% airline bonus when you use Membership Rewards Pay with Points. Another convenient feature from American Express is the Pay Over Time option. This means you can carry a balance with interest on minimum purchases of $100. With its fantastic introductory offer, the Blue Business Plus credit card from American Express is one of our picks for the best business credit cards with 0% APR (in this case, it’s for one year). There is also no annual fee, saving you extra money when the introductory period is over. Membership Rewards Points are easy to accumulate, too. When you book your travel through, you also receive 2x points. The American Express Business Platinum card is one of our picks for the best travel rewards credit cards; this is a card designed for the road warrior. The rewards structure is travel-oriented with additional rewards for everyday spending. You also receive additional perks, like an up to $400 statement credit for Dell Technologies purchases ($200 per 6 months) and an up to $189 statement credit for CLEAR® security when you use your Amex card. The Chase Ink Business Cash credit card is one the best Chase business credit cards with dual introductory offers to get you started. Rewards are targeted toward everyday office expenses for a credit card that rewards you on your regular spending. With Chase Unlimited Rewards, you can choose how you redeem your rewards with options like cash back, gift cards, and travel bonuses. You also get access to extra benefits, like fraud protection, purchase protection, and custom account notifications. Once you have a Chase Ink credit card, you can also earn up to 100,000 points annually for customer referrals. The Chase Ink Business Preferred credit card is designed to offer generous rewards on regular daily expenses, like shipping, advertising, and business services. Your points never expire, and you have the option to redeem through Chase Ultimate Rewards for a higher trade value of up to 25% more than normal rewards. You can also receive exclusive perks like gift cards and travel experiences, and your Chase card comes with extra built-in protections like fraud protection, purchase protection, and account notifications. The Chase Ink Business Unlimited credit card includes a simple and straightforward rewards structure that gives unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases. With this card, you do not have to worry about making a minimum amount of purchases each year or using your card at specific retailers. Chase rewards you on all of the purchases you make with your Chase Ink Business Unlimited credit card. Like the other Chase Ink cards, cashback rewards include the opportunity for extra cash back, gift cards, and travel through Chase Ultimate Rewards. You also receive standard protections from Chase to keep your account safe from theft and fraudulent transactions.
Annual fee: Many cards charge an annual fee for having the card, but there are cards like the Capital One Spark Classic for Business that do not charge a fee.Rewards: Business credit cards may carry either a flat-rate or category-based rewards structure. Consider the type of spending that your business does, looking at where you spend the most money. Rewards on expenses like shipping and internet services can save you a ton of money in cashback rewards and benefits.Introductory APR: When you first receive your card, many credit card issuers will offer a special introductory offer, such as a 0% APR for your first year or cashback when you spend a certain amount using your card.APR: Every business credit card carries an APR that determines how much interest you pay on your purchases. There are many business credit cards for average credit that hold competitive APRs, so be sure to compare rates before you choose a new card.Benefits: Some business credit cards, such as American Express and Chase Ink cards, carry exclusive rewards that you can enjoy with your account. This can include everything from extra cashback to travel perks.Tools: With average credit, many business owners want a credit card that will help them manage expenses and improve credit. Some credit cards may even integrate with accounting software like QuickBooks to simplify bookkeeping.
Every card is different in the rewards that it offers, so carefully review the terms of each card to find the right choice for your business.
American Express Blue Business Cash™ Card: Great for cashback rewards, 0% introAvant Credit Card: Great for foreign transactionsCapital One Spark Classic for Business: Best for new businessesCapital One Spark Cash Plus: Great for flat-rate, unlimited rewards Chase Ink Business Cash credit card: Great for rewards, no annual feeU.S. Bank Business Platinum: Great for 0% intro offer