There is an astonishing sea change beginning I think in how we all interact. Now, I’m not pretending to be an expert in social psychology. But it is clear that despite all the glitches there is an unprecedented level of global cooperation going on. Usually, wars have two human sides. In this one, there is all humanity versus a virus. So, I’ll say it again: Unprecedented. 
I’m going to institute some regular features and some random things every week. The regular features will be the latest hopeful news about medical supplies, vaccines, treatments, the tech industry response, tools and useful info, the comedy and a Corona Cover of the Week. What will vary is how I organize the good that people do.  This week, for example, it’s the cheering of the amazing healthcare workers who are putting their lives on the line. Also, the good that sports teams and players are doing. That will vary week to week. 

COVID-19 crisis: Medical Supplies

COVID-19 crisis: Vaccines and treatments

The Guardian reports that it was cautious but optimistic in China after a series of successful treatment efforts with severely ill patients in Wuhan. Of course, this is the cause for some universal, but again, guarded, optimism about treatment. Here is the actual preprint of the Chinese report that The Guardian drew its article from. It’s a PDF. France has begun clinical trials of the plasma treatment and expects to have something to report in about three weeks all told.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a widespread effort in the development of two promising treatments for COVID-19.: Convalescent plasma (using the blood serum from people who have recovered from COVID-19 to help form antibodies to fight COVID-19 in existing patients); and hyperimmune globulin, which is a biological product manufactured from convalescent plasma.

COVID-19 crisis: Tech Industry Response

COVID-19 crisis: The good that people do


Show of the week

John Krasinski’s SGN Episode No. 2. Not only is John Krasinski clearly a man with a good soul and connects well with the public, but he is outright funny in a self-deprecating way. What makes this episode so heartening is that it features a segment where the entire original cast of Hamilton (including the guy who plays Chunk on Bull, much to my surprise) does the opening number for a little girl who loves the musical.   I’d recommend you listen to the whole thing, but if you want to just listen to the Hamilton piece, it begins with Lin Manuel Miranda (another wonderful soul) talking to John K and Emily Blount at 10:37. But the whole thing is well worth watching. This one probably is going to outlast the pandemic.

Corona Cover of the Week

This is a sorta brutal but terrific Corona Cover of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody by some unknowns. It’s both true and also insanely cleverly written. Plus, passable Queen (under the circumstances). So, that’s it for this week. Starting next week, if you have other hopeful news, please submit it to me at (with the Subject: Hopeful News, so I can put it in the following week and attribute it to you). Also, if you are interested in joining the CRM Playaz Happy Hour, here is the link to register. They will be almost every Thursday at 3:30pm EDT until the end of the year, though we reserve the right to cancel. There are 39 of them available, but this week (April 8) and next week (April 1)  are sold out. The ticket is free, but we are limited to 15 people to keep from getting unwieldy and you have to register. Plus, your entry aside from registration requires that you have a liquid in a glass in your hand for the event (can be alcohol or not; water is fine; lens cleaning fluid is not). Register for April 22. So, until next week, please be safe and stock up.